Archiv für März 2021

Инструменты вебмастеров Google, Mail, Bing

Dienstag, 30. März 2021

Полезные онлайн инструменты для вебмастера и его сайта. Получение аналитической информации сайта для его продвижения и раскрутки. Здесь размещаю список он-лайн сервисов, полезных в работе вебмастера. Такая вот страница закладок на ресурсы, которыми сам пользуюсь.

Mobile-Friendly Test — инструмент для проверки оптимизации под мобильные устройства. Инструмент обращается к сайту как поисковый робот Google, поэтому если в файле robots.txt закрыто индексирование для Googlebot, проверка не получится. Постоянный поиск информации в интернете с помощью поисковых систем позволяет почти всегда получать достоверную и актуальную информацию. Но иногда ответ на конкретный вопрос не получается найти сразу, остается вариант спросить у других пользователей интернета. Сегодняшняя статья посвящена форумам, в которых можно узнать много полезной информации о заработке в интернете, продвижение сайта в поисковых системах и т.п. На форумах можно встретить уникальную информацию, узнать какую-то новую фишку, прочитать реальные кейсы пользователей, получить ответ на свой вопрос, спросить совета и т.д.

Добавляем сайт

Каким инструментом можно пользоваться на телефоне, чтобы удобно было генерировать ссылки. А то приходится вначале заходить в программу, копировать ссылку товара, потом в Адмитад ссылку вставлять для того чтобы сгенерировать, а далее через Shortlink. Мы сделали обзор инструментов, которыми пользуются десятки тысяч специалистов. Судя по комментариям, прочтениям и добавлениям в закладки – он оказался очень полезен для множества веб-мастеров. Еще один удобный инструмент для создания ссылок, но на этот раз – в виде расширения для браузера. Очень удобен для блогеров, контентных сайтов и тех, кто просто любит советовать разные товары друзьям.

  • Очень ценный инструмент для обладателей собственных поисковых движков и браузерных расширений, который позволяет заработать на органической выдаче.
  • Инструмент позволяет отслеживать статистку показов по выбранным запросам.
  • Перед подключением инструментов веб-мастера войдите в учетную запись «Яндекса».
  • И тем не менее, Яндекс Вебмастер оставил ряд инструментов для администраторов сайтов с целью правильного выделения нужных разделов сайта.
  • Этот сервис поддерживает все современные функции, позволяет работать с изображениями и flash-приложениями, обрабатывать текст, содержит встроенные шаблоны и многое другое.

Кстати, такие изменения не влияют на ранжирование сайта. Этот инструмент пригодится вам, даже если вы не занимаетесь продвижением сайта. В блоке «Ссылки на ваши данные» показываются анкоры, которые имеют ссылки, ссылающиеся на ваш сайт. Используя данную информацию можно не только отслеживать индексацию купленных ссылок, но и анализировать появление естественных, определяя, на какие материалы люди наиболее часто ссылаются. С помощью специальных файлов Sitemap можно структурировать информацию сайта для быстрой и корректной индексации роботами Google. Для добавления карты используйте пункт меню «Сканирование» и откройте дополнительный раздел «Файлы Sitemap».

Инструменты для вебмастеров: подборка материалов

Зеркальность с другими сайтами проверяем в сервисе XSeo. Это бесплатный сервис, разработанный канадскими молодцами. С помощью Page Speed and YSlow он анализирует сайт и выдает по нему ошибки и рекомендации к их исправлению.

Тем самым зная, что нужно поправить, Вы улучшаете свой проект, избавляетесь от лишних ошибок и улучшаете скорость сайта. Вскоре я напишу отдельную подробную статью по GTmetrix, где подробно распишу его достоинства и методы улучшения скорости сайта. Ждите с нетерпением 😉 Так же для тех, кто не силен в английском языке, могу предложить сам сервис PageSpeed Insights от Google.


Спустя некоторое время в кабинете начнет отображаться информация о сайте. GoGetLinks — биржа «вечных» ссылок с единоразовой оплатой за размещение. Вы можете работать с биржей в качестве вебмастера и оптимизатора. Вебмастер публикует ссылки заказчика в своих статьях и получает за это деньги, а оптимизатор приобретает обратные ссылки с качественных сайтов. Сервис проводит строгую модерацию площадок и принимает лучшие сайты. Действует гарантия индексации ссылок в течение 45 дней.

инструменты для вебмастеров

Если вы не заморачивались с микроразметкой, увидите здесь кучу ошибок. Маркер – похож на мастер разметки структурированных данных. Оптимизация HTML – полезный пункт, он укажет об ошибках с индексацией и метатегами. Здесь можно обнаружить дубли страниц (с одинаковыми заголовками или метаописаниями)
Ссылки сайта – имеются в виду те, что наподобие «быстрых ссылок» в выдаче Яндекса. Если вам автоматически проставили такие «быстрые ссылки», которые вы там не хотели бы видеть, вы можете убрать их оттуда, понизив их рейтинг здесь. Поисковая система третья в рейтинге поисковиков на российском рынке.

Данный раздел нужен, чтобы отслеживать, какие страницы сайта находятся в индексе, какие исключены и почему. Все ошибки индексации будут показаны в соответствующей вкладке. Если страница не была проиндексирована, её можно отправить на переобход – для этого просто нажмите на адрес в списке.

В разделе отображаются данные о взаимодействии с сайтом в поисковых системах Bing и Yahoo. В разделе Геотаргетинг можно настроить регион для всего домена, для определённого раздела или даже отдельной страницы. Параметр пригодится для крупных ресурсов с большой географией продвижения. Консоль отображает найденные страницы в поисковом индексе, но отсутствующие в карте сайта. Ниже расположен список запросов с информацией по кликам и показам. Список релевантных страниц по запросу и показатели CTR.

инструментов веб-мастера, которые помогут заработать сейчас

Позволяет наблюдать за ключевыми показателями эффективности сайта и анализировать поведение посетителей. Перед подключением инструментов веб-мастера войдите в учетную инструменты для вебмастеров запись «Яндекса». Каждый онлайн инструмент полностью бесплатен, без ограничений и проработан до мелочей, для обеспечения четкой и бесперебойной работы 24 на 7.

В новом инструменте доступно несколько стандартных показателей (клики, CTR, показы, позиция) и один новый параметр — спрос. Спрос — это показатель того, насколько часто пользователи Яндекса задают поисковый запрос и находят ответ на первой странице выдачи. Данный сервис предоставляет возможность делегировать права на управление сайтом. С этой целью вам будет нужно указать Яндекс логин пользователя в строке, как на приведенной ниже картинке. Не стоит думать, то вы сможете напрямую повлиять на выбор быстрых ссылок в разделе «Сайт в результатах поиска». Дело в том, что Яндекс самостоятельно их выбирает и ваше влияние здесь может быть только рекомендательным.

Long-term alcohol consumption alters dorsal striatal dopamine release and regulation by D2 dopamine receptors in rhesus macaques Neuropsychopharmacology

Dienstag, 30. März 2021

Therefore, in the current study, we used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) to study dopamine release dynamics in striatal slices from long-term alcohol drinking and control rhesus macaques. This method allows for examination of dopamine release and its regulation on a subsecond time scale that has seldom been used in NHPs [18,19,20,21,22,23,24]. Furthermore, FSCV allows for the study of dopamine uptake using Michaelis–Menten based kinetic modeling of uptake parameters, allowing researchers to assess dopamine transporter function. Finally, we can pharmacologically probe the contribution of different regulatory systems, including the D2 dopamine autoreceptor and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), to dopamine release.

But addictive substances like alcohol and drugs of abuse can overwhelm the natural reward pathways in your brain, resulting in intolerable cravings and reduced impulse control. However, some food-related stimuli (e.g., taste) that activate phasic-synaptic dopaminergic signal transmission in the NAc shell rapidly undergo a form of tolerance (i.e., habituation) (Bassareo and Di Chiara 1997). For example, does alcohol affect dopamine rats receiving a palatable food for the first time exhibited significant dopaminergic signal transmission in the NAc shell. A second feeding session that took place within 1 day of the first feeding session, however, induced no or only weak dopaminergic signal transmission. Only about 5 days after the first feeding session did the animals recover the full dopaminergic response to this stimulus.

Reinforcement and Addiction

The neurons then store the dopamine in small compartments (i.e., vesicles) in the terminals of their axons. When the dopaminergic neurons are activated, the resulting change in the electrical charges on both sides of the cell membrane (i.e., depolarization) induces dopamine release into the gap separating the neurons (i.e., the synaptic cleft) through a process called exocytosis. Additionally, mRNA-based therapies can specifically change which genes are expressed to treat diseases like cancer. In the future, we may discover similar therapies for alcohol and substance use disorder.

The brain uses billions of neurotransmitters to manage everything from our breathing to our heartbeat to our digestion. Both carbidopa and levodopa can cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and impaired coordination, which can be exacerbated by alcohol. Christopher Bergland is a retired ultra-endurance athlete turned science writer, public health advocate, and promoter of cerebellum („little brain“) optimization. If you’ve ever wondered what’s really going on in the brain when a person’s had too much to drink, here’s a brief primer. Some of the effects, like slurred speech and loss of balance, can be very obvious.

Publication types

In the past ten years, researchers began suspecting that the delta receptor might differ from other GABA receptors. When isolated, they found that it responded to low levels of alcohol, like the amount in a glass of wine. However, studies have found that the specific effects depend not just on how much someone drinks, but also on whether blood alcohol content (BAC) is rising or falling. While in the process of drinking, alcohol acts as a stimulant, but as drinking tapers off, it begins to act more as a sedative. Here, we outline a framework for understanding alcohol-induced changes in the brain, which can help you appreciate the challenges faced by many patients with AUD when they try to cut back or quit drinking. We then describe evidence-based treatments you can recommend to patients to help the brain, and the patient as a whole, to recover.

does alcohol affect dopamine

Schematic representation of the major dopaminergic systems (viewed from the top of the head). The nigrostriatal system originates in the A9 cell group and extends to the dorsal striatum, which includes the caudate nucleus and putamen (CPU). The mesolimbic system originates primarily in the A10 cell group and extends to the ventral striatum, which includes the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the olfactory tubercle (OT). The mesocortical system also originates primarily in the A10 cell group and affects various regions of the cerebral cortex.

Neurotransmitters in alcoholism: A review of neurobiological and genetic studies

These effects ultimately contribute to short-term CNS depression and long-term homeostatic excitation that occurs during withdrawal. Ethanol, the chemical component that underlies alcohol’s psychoactive effects, has a notoriously promiscuous pharmacology. For example, alcohol can cause an alternative form of a gene to be expressed in the memory circuits in flies and people, resulting in changes in dopamine receptors and transcription factors involved in reward signaling and neuronal function. Similarly, cocaine can cause an alternative form of a gene to be expressed in the reward centers of mice, leading them to seek out more cocaine.

does alcohol affect dopamine

11 best B2B website service page examples to inspire you

Dienstag, 23. März 2021

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool used to trace the route that packets take from one device to another over an IP network, such as the internet. It is a command used to determine the connection path between any two networks. A DNS server stores the Domain names and translates them to IP addresses for computers and other devices. The World Wide Web comprises interconnected hypertext documents that are accessed through the internet using a web browser. We can find each document we search on the internet through a link.

Services based on the Web

Azure management groups, subscriptions, resource groups and resources are not mutually exclusive. What error messages to display when a certain rule for communication is not observed, to make troubleshooting easier.


This setup allows for more control over the server, making it ideal for larger and more established websites. There are some web hosts offering free hosting and domain names, but you shouldn’t use them as a business. This is because you’ll have the web host’s domain after yours (

Services based on the Web

You’ll also want a web host with responsive 24/7 customer support. Forums, knowledge bases, and tutorials are useful tools, but there’s nothing like getting another human being on the horn when problems arise. If you plan to build an ecommerce-focused, content-heavy, or user-driven website, you want dynamic pages and RAM totals that can handle the load.

SiteGround Web Hosting

If you are planning to transfer your website from one host to another, the process is relatively straightforward but can vary depending on your current web hosting provider. Generally, you will need to create a backup of your website, download it from your current host and then upload it to the new hosting provider. You should also update your domain name record to point to the new server. Your web hosting provider may be able to help you or provide assistance with this process. If you’re searching for a web host that can support and grow your business website, IONOS is the perfect solution.

Services based on the Web

It explains how to use the web services of the service provider. In conjunction, UDDI became the standard for automatically registering and finding web services on the Web, basically acting as a directory. SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI form what is commonly known now as modern Web Services. Once users are able to play around with that tool, they can continue to scroll down and reveal the other services that will help users businesses succeed.

In housing terms, VPS hosting is like renting your own apartment in a larger building. You’re much more isolated than in the roommate situation mentioned above; it’s still possible that a neighboring apartment could causes annoyance for you, but far less likely. In web hosting terms, Site A’s traffic surge won’t have nearly as much impact on Site B or Site C. As you’d expect, VPS hosting costs more than shared hosting. The web host constantly adds features to its excellent hosting options, or improves accessibility to make those options easier to use. Check out Hostinger’s customizable packages if you need a web server that requires a specific build. Hostwinds is an appealing hosting choice for a wide range of clients, from mom-and-pop shops to big business, as its services are attractively priced and fairly robust.

The Best Web Hosting Services for 2023

Web services can help to solve the interoperability problem by giving different applications a way to link their data. By using Web services, your application can publish its function or message to the rest of the world. When all major platforms could access the types of cloud computing solutions Web using Web browsers, different platforms couldn’t interact. For these platforms to work together, Web-applications were developed. Webopedia is an online information technology and computer science resource for IT professionals, students, and educators.

  • Exposing Business Functionality on the network – A web service is a unit of managed code that provides some sort of functionality to client applications or end users.
  • It’s definitely easier, but if you want to tinker and adjust and optimize every aspect of your site, it might not be for you.
  • Web hosts also have to pay for the servers and infrastructure that power their websites, as well as 24/7 customer support.
  • The web service interface can support innovation over time without negotiating the client’s ability to communicate with the service.
  • From there, the weather API will connect software that gathers and stores the data with the application on your phone that tells you it’s going to rain tomorrow .

Owing to its more straightforward style, it has mostly displaced SOAP and WSDL-based interface design. A loosely connected architecture makes software systems more manageable and allows for easier integration between different structures. The diagram depicts a very simplified version of how a web service would function. The client would use requests to send a sequence of web service calls to a server that would host the actual web service.

The UDDI registry will hold the required information for the online service, just like a telephone directory has the name, address, and phone number of a certain individual. SOAP stands for “Simple Object Access Protocol.” It is a transport-independent messaging protocol. A document known as an XML document is attached to each message. Only the structure of the XML document, not the content, follows a pattern. The best thing about Web services and SOAP is that everything is sent through HTTP, the standard web protocol.

AccuWeb Hosting

Second, the client application must understand what the web service does in order to invoke the correct web service. The WSDL, or Web services description language, is used to accomplish this. The WSDL file is another XML-based file that explains what the web service does to the client application. The client application will be able to understand where the web service is located and how to use it by using the WSDL document. Web services have the advantage of allowing programs developed in different languages to connect with one another by exchanging data over a web service between clients and servers. A client invokes a web service by submitting an XML request, which the service responds with an XML response.

Services based on the Web

We’re a high-end apartment and house cleaning service based in Brisbane, Australia. Our belief is that through technology and customer service, we can enhance the experience of finding a house cleaner. We’re looking for a site that reflects that image, whilst not coming off as pretentious or old – think modern startup instead. Mfields Photography Design Myron is a passionate wedding, engagement, lifestyle, and commercial photographer based in Washington DC. H.e captures emotive images that’ll last a lifetime. After discussing his goals for the project we expanded on his project to elevate the overall website aesthetic to create a website that truly compliments his beautiful photography. To elevate his site, we added custom fonts, custom CSS to make copy flow more engaging and reorganized his main navigation to be more dynamic and user friendly.


Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy. One to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and one to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Before you study web services you should have a basic understanding of XML and XML Namespaces. An infographic is a visual representation of information or data.

So we made sure that each element is appropriate for the environment. I provided a responsive design, one version for desktop, and another of mobile. They are XML-Based – Web Services uses XML to represent the data at the representation and data transportation layers. Using XML eliminates any networking, operating system, or platform sort of dependency since XML is the common language understood by all. A Standardized Protocol which everybody understands – Web services use standardized industry protocol for the communication. All the four layers uses well-defined protocols in the web services protocol stack.

Essentially, some functions of a site are performed by one vendor and other functions by another. Cloud computing is here to stay, and we expect more entities to move operations onto the cloud in 2023. Having a website for your business or personal use is essential in today’s digital world. You can choose to build and host your site yourself, or you may opt for an all-in-one website builder that includes hosting.

web services

PaaS primarily concerns online-accessible hardware and software tools. The services of the internet are numerous and wide-ranging, and have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with each other. Through E-commerce, you can buy any desired product or service directly from the seller online from any location in the world. It was started to enhance customer satisfaction and the lifetime value of a customer. Users use the newsreader software program to explore, follow, and debate the newsgroup and the postings. NewsGroup used a network that is called New network transfer protocol .

Popular Features

All this low-level work is done behind the scenes, allowing you to focus on the high-level issues. A web service is a set of open protocols and standards that allow data to be exchanged between different applications or systems. Your web hosting provider may also charge additional fees, such as setup fees (often waived when signing a contract and paying up-front), domain registration fees or monthly support fees. Additionally, there may be add-on services you can purchase to enhance your website, such as SEO optimization or extra security features.

For the username, and then type the PIN found on the printer UPC sticker located underneath or on the back of the printer, or the password set by the printer administrator. If your printer is connected with a wireless connection, make sure the wireless feature is on and the printer is connected to the same network as your computer. The main trade-off is that SOAP is more strict in its requirements than RESTful design, making it more code-heavy and process-intensive. That’s why a web service may incorporate principles from REST or XML-RPC. ‚API‘ is the broader category because, by definition, it refers to any software component that acts as an intermediary between two otherwise disconnected applications.

Best for Dedicated Hosting

Directory services are a type of software that provide a central repository for storing and managing information about users, devices, applications, and other resources in a networked environment. Shared hosting is the most affordable type of web hosting as multiple websites are hosted on the same server, thus sharing resources and reducing costs. VPS hosting‌ is a more secure type of hosting as each website is hosted on a virtual private server with its own resources.

Construction Accounting 101: A Basic Guide for Contractors

Montag, 15. März 2021

construction accounting 101

An accounts receivable aging report lists the amounts due from customers and shows how long it’s been since the invoices were created. A customer may withhold a specified amount from the contract price until satisfied with the completed work. Doing so gives the customer some leverage over the contractor to complete the work in a satisfactory manner. These retainage amounts may still be recorded as receivables, but could be classified as long-term receivables if the customer has the right to hold these amounts for more than a year.

What is GAAP construction accounting?

Construction accounting is a specialized type of accounting tailored to accurately reflect the unique nature of the construction business. Construction accounting is a subset of project accounting, and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) still apply to those who must comply with those standards.

While you can prepare adjusting journal entries yourself if you’re comfortable doing so, we recommend working with an accountant or CPA to make sure your books are accurate and complete. At the end of the accounting period, you’ll need to prepare adjusting construction bookkeeping journal entries to make sure that the transactions you’ve recorded match up to the right accounting period. Keeping thorough records and categorizing business transactions properly in this way will help you to make smart financial decisions.

Construction Accounting 101: A Basic Guide for Contractors

In construction, COGS is not as simple as noting how much a product costs. There are likely dozens of direct and indirect costs across the various service categories mentioned above on any given job. Tracking them accurately can be tricky but getting it right is essential since it helps with job costing for future construction projects.

  • Learn more about how we serve the construction industry and the features we’ve created to help you stay on top of all the moving parts in your business.
  • Aging is usually split into categories for 30, 60, and 90-plus days since the invoice was created.
  • Cash accrual accounting recognizes expenses and revenue in the time they are incurred before any money changes hands.
  • Since contractors are project-based businesses, accurately determining the cost of every project is key to managing profitability.
  • Much of the work of construction accountants is involved with tracking the individual projects that make up most contractors’ workloads.
  • Construction companies also have to watch that they don’t overpay on unemployment tax when an employee works in multiple states.

Construction accounting, like all accounting, has to follow the processes and procedures accepted by the accounting and business industries. These processes are called GAAP , and are the basis for the “rules” of accounting. We’ve compiled a handy list of common construction accounting mistakes to avoid and general best practices to follow. Tom is the creator of the AIM Framework and Accounting Impact Method. Plus, you’ll have all the tools you need to stay on top of your construction accounting and make smarter financial decisions.

Percent complete vs completed contract income recognition

Modern accounting software can simplify financial management while helping contractors comply with tax laws. Good construction accounting software should automate much of the otherwise laborious work of job costing. By managing accounts receivable and accounts payable, software can help contractors ensure they collect what they’re owed and stay on good terms with suppliers. Construction accounting software should also help to ensure accurate tax filings, with enough flexibility to support the range of revenue recognition methods used by the construction industry.

When states have a reciprocity relationship, however, the worker’s state of residence may issue credit for taxes paid on income earned out of state. That way, they don’t pay twice, but this requires careful attention to time cards and pay stubs. Working on job sites in multiple cities and states, employees may have multiple tax withholdings all within a single payroll. A unit-price contract is an arrangement in which the client pays a specific price for each unit of output.

Fixed Price

That’s to track accurate costs for each project individually, as well as the types of expenses and production activities that make up job costs. These numerous, temporary cost centers are ultimately why contractors need to practice job costing. Unlike some other businesses, construction companies often allow customers a longer period to pay an invoice.

Global P25 and TETRA Land Mobile Radio market up slightly in … – Digital Journal

Global P25 and TETRA Land Mobile Radio market up slightly in ….

Posted: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 10:48:50 GMT [source]

Therefore, the accuracy of bookkeeping and accounting plays a crucial role to give a full insight into their financial health and support to making informed business decisions. A solid accounting function contributes to the success of any construction company. Construction accounting requires specialized skills to support the construction industry’s unique practices in areas such as job costing, retainage and revenue recognition.

What Is in a Labor Contract?

If your construction business follows generally accepted accounting principles, you should use the percentage of completion method for financial statements as well. While most accounting solutions,such as QuickBooks, offer at least these three types of financial reports, some offer additional financial reporting options. It’s worth comparing top construction accounting software solutions to see which financial statements you need. Unlike product sales, where companies recognize revenue when a widget is sold, bookkeeping and accounting in construction have different ways when it comes to revenue recognition.

construction accounting 101

Businesses in other industries typically have accounting teams that keep track of products in various categories—but not contractors. In the construction industry, there are a variety of line items included across several jobs. Keeping track of all the moving parts and separate demands for each project requires keen attention to detail and effective communication across all teams.

What date does NVIDIA’s NVDA report Earnings Earnings Calendar & Announcement

Freitag, 12. März 2021

nvda stock earnings date

EPS adjusted for one-time items — which is the earnings metric investors should focus on — surged 49% to $1.36. There’s usually valuable information that’s shared on a company’s quarterly earnings calls and even more useful data contained in its annual reports. Following are three metrics that caught my attention as I perused Nvidia’s annual report for fiscal 2023, which ended on Jan. 29. This information is still relevant and should help investors make more informed investing decisions in the AI space. At the center of everything we do is a strong commitment to independent research and sharing its profitable discoveries with investors.

  • Companies worldwide are transitioning from general-purpose to accelerated computing and generative AI,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA.
  • Given the enormous opportunity in the new tech frontier, the giants of Silicon Valley continue to pump billions into AI.
  • NVIDIA does not intend to update such financial information prior to release of its final second quarter financial statement information, which is currently scheduled for Aug. 24, 2022.
  • It is possible that NVIDIA may identify items that require it to make adjustments to the preliminary financial information set forth above and those changes could be material.
  • Data Center revenue, though a record, was somewhat short of the company’s expectations, as it was impacted by supply chain disruptions.

As of now, it is increasingly looking like the Mad King’s theories don’t hold water. If that’s true, this social media fad will quickly blow over and won’t impact NVDA stock in the long or short term. The accusations made in the report are severe and if proven correctly, they would have implications that span far beyond the company at fault. As of this writing, shares are down 2% for the day, continuing the volatility that they experienced last week. However, this can likely be attributed to negative market momentum.

Wed 15 Nov (In 64 Days)

We continue to make headway with our planned acquisition of Arm, which will accelerate innovation and growth for the Arm ecosystem. From gaming, cloud computing, AI, robotics, self-driving cars, to genomics and computational biology, NVIDIA continues to do impactful work to invent a better future,” he said. NVIDIA today reported record revenue for the fourth quarter ended January 30, 2022, of $7.64 billion, up 53 percent from a year ago and up 8 percent from the previous quarter. Gaming, Data Center and Professional Visualization market platforms each achieved record revenue for the quarter and year. This update does not present all necessary information for an understanding of NVIDIA’s financial condition as of the date of this release, or its results of operations for the second quarter.

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However, Nvidia’s second-quarter guidance for both the top and bottom lines came in lower than analysts had been expecting. Management was likely being more conservative than usual given the challenging macroeconomic environment. The current global environment is characterized by high inflation, slowing economic growth, and supply chain bottlenecks stemming mainly from the pandemic. “During the quarter, major cloud service providers announced massive NVIDIA H100 AI infrastructures. Leading enterprise IT system and software providers announced partnerships to bring NVIDIA AI to every industry. “NVIDIA GPUs connected by our Mellanox networking and switch technologies and running our CUDA AI software stack make up the computing infrastructure of generative AI.

nvda stock earnings date

The Zacks Rank is a proven model that highlights a variety of stocks with the right characteristics to outperform the market over the next one to three months. The system emphasizes earnings estimate revisions and favors companies with improving earnings outlooks. Most of Wall Street expects Nvidia to continue impressing investors with solid second-quarter results, and even better-than-expected guidance for the second half of the year. The average EPS estimate for the quarter is $2.07, and the average revenue estimate is $11.2 billion, according to data from YahooFinance. In February when Nvidia released in fiscal 2023 report, many investors likely already knew the company was a dominant force in the AI tech realm.

Zacks Research

In this case, the stock will be extra sensitive to good news which means that it will have some potential upside if good news is released. Guidance that’s notably different from what Wall Street is expecting will likely move Nvidia stock. For the fiscal third quarter (the August through October period), analysts are currently modeling for adjusted EPS of $1.33 on revenue of $8.38 billion. These results would represent year-over-year growth of 14% and 18%, respectively. NVIDIA paid quarterly cash dividends of $100 million in the fourth quarter and $399 million in fiscal 2022. It will pay its next quarterly cash dividend of $0.04 per share on March 24, 2022, to all shareholders of record on March 3, 2022.

It’s a powerful system that can predict when a stock will jump 100% or more. is owned and published by StockEarnings, Inc („SE“). Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control.

In comparison, Computer and Technology companies have returned an average of 38.9%. This means that Nvidia is outperforming the sector as a whole this year. Nvidia is one of 633 companies in the Computer and Technology group. The Computer and Technology group currently sits at #7 within the Zacks Sector Rank.

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Kiress seems to be implying that Coreweave’s contributions to Nvdia’s GPU sales are too small to be significant. If that is the case, it would certainly disprove what The Mad King has argued. In a note to clients, the analyst wrote that Nvidia didn’t need the help of Coreweave or any other customer to “juice the quarter,” citing its impressive results. The InvestorPlace Research Staff member primarily responsible for this article did not hold (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The company is providing much of the AI software and other services as well.

  • After a big rebound in earnings during this fiscal year (ending January 2024), earnings could rise by another 56.4% in the next fiscal year.
  • Performance predictions allow traders to execute a hedging strategy to protect their portfolio from unfavorable earnings which could lead to a major price drop.
  • Non-GAAP earnings per diluted share were $1.36, up 49% from a year ago and up 3% from the previous quarter.

NVIDIA has not confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company’s estimated earnings date is Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 based off last year’s report dates. Experts have spoken out against The Mad King’s claims, dismissing them as inaccurate. Bernstein Senior Analyst Stacy Rasgon has helped lead this charge, making the case that investors shouldn’t short NVDA stock, regardless of how much attention these “conspiracy theories” are attracting. But as it turns out, a few days after the report went live, Nvidia addressed one of the topics it centers around. According to our latest data, NVDA has moved about 216.4% on a year-to-date basis.

Google Cloud and NVIDIA Expand Partnership to Advance AI Computing, Software and Services

Across industries, the adoption of NVIDIA computing platforms is accelerating. “We had a fantastic quarter, with strong demand for our products driving record revenue,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. GAAP earnings per diluted share martingale strategy forex for the quarter were a record $3.03, up 106 percent from a year ago and up 31 percent from the previous quarter. Non-GAAP earnings per diluted share were $3.66, up 103 percent from a year earlier and up 18 percent from the previous quarter.

When does NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) report earnings?

To receive notifications via email, enter your email address and select at least one subscription below. You must click the link in the email to activate your subscription. Companies worldwide are transitioning from general-purpose to accelerated computing and generative AI,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. The Zacks Equity Research reports, or ZER for short, are our in-house, independently produced research reports. The Zacks Industry Rank assigns a rating to each of the 265 X (Expanded) Industries based on their average Zacks Rank.

Caution is necessary when executing the strategy because success is not guaranteed. The ideal scenario would be the NVDA options expiring while worthless but in case it drops to the trader’s strike price, then the trader has to execute a counter-strategy, which in this case would be to buy the stock. As Huang is quoted as saying in a Nvidia blog, „The CPU is for general-purpose computing, the GPU is for accelerated computing, and the DPU, which moves data around the data center, does data processing.“ NVIDIA paid quarterly cash dividends of $99 million in the first quarter. It will pay its next quarterly cash dividend of $0.16 per share on July 1, 2021, to all shareholders of record on June 10, 2021. “We are entering the new year with strong momentum across our businesses and excellent traction with our new software business models with NVIDIA AI, NVIDIA Omniverse and NVIDIA DRIVE.

Recent stocks from this report have soared up to +178.7% in 3 months – this month’s picks could be even better. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for NVDA’s full-year earnings has moved 42.7% higher within the past quarter. This signals that analyst sentiment is improving and the stock’s earnings outlook is more positive.


Donnerstag, 11. März 2021

En este artículo explicaremos qué es el CSS con un ejemplo de sintaxis sencillo y describiremos algunos términos clave sobre este lenguaje. El CSS es lo que se llama un lenguaje de hojas de estilo en cascada y se utiliza para estilizar elementos escritos en un lenguaje de marcado como HTML. CSS, al igual que HTML, es uno de los lenguajes centrales de Internet. Mientras que para añadir texto a un sitio web se utiliza HTML y se estructura semánticamente, para definir el diseño del contenido se utiliza CSS.


Por lo tanto, fue creado por W3C para resolver este problema. A continuación veremos la aplicación de estilos por cajas, fundamental en el diseño de páginas web. Por ejemplo, CSS permite controlar algunas especificaciones de forma centralizada. Esto significa que elementos similares (como todos los hipervínculos o imágenes) dentro de un mismo documento pueden ser reconocidos y formateados mediante un único comando.

Anatomía de una regla CSS

Con la llegada de Internet esta evidencia se hizo todavía más manifiesta y era necesario incorporar una tecnología que permitiera añadir una capa de personalización extra a los documentos HTML. La falta de un estándar hizo que compañías como Microsoft y Netscape, en ese momento El mejor bootcamp de programación en el mundo: por qué elegir TripleTen para entrar en TI en guerra por el navegador más popular, hizo la web un lugar en donde el mensaje “Este sitio web solo es compatible con Internet Explorer” fuera casi la norma. Prácticamente era imposible crear una web que se viera igual en los diferentes navegadores de la época.

  • Puedes encontrar más información sobre los diferentes tipos de selectores y sobre la sintaxis de CSS en nuestro tutorial de CSS detallado.
  • En vez de versionar las especificaciones de CSS, la W3C actualmente realiza una captura de las ultimas espcificaciones estables de CSS.
  • Este es el método más común y útil para adjuntar CSS a un documento, porque puedes vincular el CSS a varias páginas y dar estilo a todas ellas con la misma hoja de estilo.
  • A continuación, ofrecemos una visión general de los tres métodos para integrar CSS en HTML.
  • La especificación CSS es mantenida por el World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Echa un vistazo a los enlaces de este párrafo para ver ejemplos específicos. En el módulo Introducción al HTML, exponemos qué es el HTML y cómo se usa para definir documentos destinados a leerse en un navegador web. Los títulos se verán más grandes que el texto y los párrafos empezarán en una línea nueva y habrá un espacio entre ellos. Los enlaces aparecerán en un color diferente y subrayados para distinguirlos del resto del texto.

color: red;

Existen muchos más selectores para explorar, y podrás encontrar una lista más detallada en la guía de Selectores.